Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Portfolio

I've just been looking at the massive stack of worksheets and papers my Jordan produced this year. YIKES! What do I do with all that stuff???? I don't want to throw away anything and yet. . . I do not have the organization skills nor space to accomodate it all.

I've heard several people discussing their high schoolers' "portfolios" and I'm encouraged. After reading a couple of blog entries on the web this one is the best in my opinion. And after talking to a friend who is a school teacher, I'm encouraged. It sounds just like what Jordan needs me to do for him. Apparently, I just need to keep the best work/tests he's done and show growth and mastery. That's easy. Here in the great state of Georgia we are only required to turn in daily attendance and keep a yearly assessment--which is still in the works. So, I can keep my Georiga requirements, best work, goals and objectives all in one place instead of file folders. It even sounds neater. I think a three ring binder will work best. Now, I've just got to get a three-hole punch. . .

It's going to take some time to go through ten months of paperwork and pick out the best but at least it will be fresh in my mind as we plow through second grade in a few weeks. Bookshelf done . . . portfolio--watch out. I'm crossing you off my list next!