Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Flies!

Wow! I just knew when I signed up I'd be blogging daily. Things are really never boring around here. There's always too much to write about. However, too many days have gotten away from me. Since my last post, I have become a member of The Homeschool Lounge (if you homeschool, this is a great site to talk with other moms like you), signed up on The LPM Blog to memorize scripture (Acts 20:24 right now), attended revival at my church, taken Jordan to six karate classes, been to the library once, slept late too many days and done more loads of laundry than I care to remember, etc, etc.

One of the most important things I've ironed out though is our new schedule. I am proud to say that Landon and I are officially "doing preschool" four days a week. It's been rough trying to teach reading, spelling, writing, and first grade arithmetic to a highly distractable six year old AND try to include the four year old who just wants to pester and tease his brother. Landon thinks playtime is ALL the time. But, flip-flopping Jordan's schedule and starting with the fun stuff first really works for us.

There's also computer time where we learn about one animal a week that goes with Landon's letter of the week . This schedule has been a blessing and less stressful on me and my hubby.

It's sad to say but I was skimping on the art and music just to get the academics done with Jordan. I was just soo stressed and then I would try to start school with Landon. . . it just wasn't working. I love that I can change our schedule to fit us and try different and new directions.
I truly enjoy homeschooling. The boys are enjoying the fun we are having learning our new song and doing art every day. They love it. We're just about out of glue and markers!!

Well, I have blogged enough for today. Better go start supper!